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What should be noted when using industrial cleaning agents?

Number of views:56Release time:2024-05-08

Industrial cleaning agents can be divided into two types based on their chemical composition: inorganic chemical cleaning agents and organic chemical cleaning agents. However, according to their application functions, they can be divided into eight types: water and non-aqueous solvents, surfactants, acid-base cleaning agents, oxidation-reduction agents, metal ion chelating agents, adsorbents, bactericidal and algal agents, sludge stripping agents, and enzyme preparations. During the use of industrial cleaning agents, the following precautions should be taken:

1、 Acidity

Any type of technical indicator must be strictly controlled. Especially for solvent based cleaning agents, the acidity index is more important because the cleaned workpieces are mostly finished products without any treatment. The quality of the cleaning agent directly affects the quality of the cleaned workpieces. So the acidity index represents the stability of the cleaning agent and the quality assurance of the cleaned workpiece. As for the cleaning agents currently used in the market, such as fluorocarbons, chlorinated hydrocarbons, brominated hydrocarbons, hydrocarbons, and alcohols, the acidity must be strictly controlled during the production process. At the same time, to prevent changes during storage and use, various stabilizers and antioxidants must be added at the factory to stabilize them and prevent decomposition during use and heating. Because the acidic substances decomposed from the above substances, such as HF, HCL, and HBr, become acidic when exposed to trace amounts of water. When the acidity increases, it not only affects the cleaned workpiece, causing the metal surface to lose luster and damage the electronic components; Moreover, under the long-term action of acidic media, stainless steel equipment will also be corroded. So all the above cleaning agents need to add stabilizers. If the selection of stabilizers is not good or the amount added is insufficient, the cleaning agent will also experience an increase in acidity or oxidation decomposition during repeated heating and contact with the atmosphere, leading to deterioration of the quality of the cleaning agent and rusting of the workpiece.

2、 Moisture

The water content of solvent based cleaning agents is also a very important indicator. In principle, the less water is better, but it is impossible to achieve complete dehydration in large-scale production and use, and each solvent has a certain water content. Some are completely miscible with water, such as lower alcohols, ketones, and some ethers; Some have a certain saturation solubility at a certain temperature, such as hydrocarbons, fluorocarbons, chlorinated hydrocarbons, and brominated hydrocarbons. When the water content exceeds the saturation solubility, stratification occurs, and the stabilizer in the solvent is pumped into the water layer, causing the stability of the solvent (cleaning agent) to deteriorate. At the same time, there is water present, and the free F in the cleaning agent ˉ, Cl ˉ And Br ˉ Ions react with water to form acids, forming a vicious cycle during heating and usage, resulting in an increasing acidity. Therefore, the acidity and moisture in the cleaning agent are two interdependent indicators that directly affect the quality of the cleaned workpiece. If some workpieces lose their luster or leave water marks on them after cleaning, it is related to acidity and moisture.

3、 Non volatile matter (residue)

The amount of non-volatile substances in the cleaning agent directly affects the cleanliness of the cleaned workpiece. Due to the fact that the cleaned workpiece is soaked in cleaning solution and then allowed to dry naturally, non-volatile substances in the cleaning solution may directly adhere to the workpiece. If it is an electronic component, it will affect its electrical performance, especially for microcircuit devices such as PCB boards, the number of ions attached to the board is in units of per square centimeter μ G (NaCl) μ G/cm2, the lower the requirement, the better. Generally, it is controlled below 10ppm when leaving the factory. This is based on the enterprise standards for producing single solvent cleaning agents both domestically and internationally.

4、 Toxicity

Toxicity is an important indicator of whether cleaning agents can be used. Although it does not have a direct impact on the cleaned workpiece, it has a profound impact on humans and the environment, and is also a major factor in whether we choose it today. The toxicity of cleaning agents is determined based on animal experiments and human physiological experiments. Strictly speaking, any chemical solvent is toxic, only in terms of size. The magnitude of toxicity, the safety range for humans, and the adoption of preventive measures can only be determined through strict animal experiments. The measurement that an animal can bear per kilogram of body weight. Although many chemical predecessors have conducted relevant toxicity experiments, which are well documented, current cleaning agents are not pure products, and the data in the information can be used for reference. The mixture can only be determined through real animal experiments to determine the safe concentration range and establish safe protective measures and precautions for producers and users.